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About Us

The Herd Herald is a student-run news website dedicated to providing you with the latest news from Republic County High School. We cover School News, World News, and Sports, bringing you the most important and interesting stories that matter to you. Our team of dedicated student journalists are passionate about bringing you the news that you need to know. Stay up to date with all the latest news from RCHS by following The Herd Herald.

Samuel Anderson-Editor in Chief

As the Editor in Chief of the Herd Herald Student Newspaper, I review all the articles before they are sent out. I also come up with innovative new ideas to improve the newspaper, and I manage the other staff of the Herd Herald.

Schola Baxa-Sports Reporter/ Media Specialist

As the Sports Reporter and Media Specialist, I am dedicated to writing up-to-date articles about sports and activities at our school. Also, Kymry Hoesli and I manage and post photos and videos to our repco_sports Instagram page.

Tyrese Alexander-Communications Director

I do interviews and create podcasts that explain and spread the information needed for a certain topic. I also help communicate issues with other people, and explain things in a better way.

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 Makenzie Kasl-Extra Curricular Reporter/   Pollster

 I make the slideshows for all the extra- curricular activities and ask the seniors how they feel about the extra-curriculars that they are in. I also sometimes do some of the articles.

Jasmine Rabah-Extra Curricular Editor/ Pollster

 As an extra-curricular editor I give to you articles about club spolights for the Republic County High School. I also give out polls to students for opinions and decisions.

Kelan Haberstroh-Communications Director

I do interviews with people who may be featured on our Podcast, I am also part of the line of communication between staff members, students, and the general public.

Eliza Anderson-Community Events Editor

I write articles and host podcasts about local community events/events important to Kansans. I write based on issues or trends that affect the Republic County Community.

Billy Cherney-Editor of Politics 

I cover important headlines regarding the political climate and assist peers in researching similar topics.

Cara Chidester- Community Events Editor

I help make podcasts and write articles about local events that are significant to Kansans. Issues or patterns that impact the Republic County Community serve as the basis for my writing.

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Giada Smith-Political Reporter/Website Editor

I write articles about Political events in the country, and local area. I also edit and manage our website.

Kymry Hoesli-School/ Sports Reporter

I write articles about School Events with an emphasis on Sports. I also help manage the repco_sports Instagram page.

Addisyn Couture-School Activities and Sports Editor

I cover any issues/articles that regard the school or the RCHS athletics. 


Manny Motto-World Events Reporter/ Podcast Editor

I edit the podcasts, and find videos and images for articles for my Co World Events Reporter, Owen.

Owen Doyle-Writer and Editor of World Events

I specialize in the writing of world events and new tops on major wars, and political shifts in foreign nations globally. I primarily focus on the conflicts going on globally to keep people posted on the current updates on wars, and effects of those wars and the potential effects it may yield on the US and the nation affected.

Nick Junker

As the teacher/sponsor of the Herd Herald, It is my responsibility to assist the students with building a news site worthy of the great students we have here at Republic County High School.  My role is to provide the students with journalistic guidance, ethics, and growth as researchers and writers.  The students will develop interpersonal skills, research and writing skills, web design techniques, and their own unique journalistic style.  This is a project is housed in the Current Issues course, and is driven by the students with my oversight.

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