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Senior Spotlight: Ayden Polansky: Wrestling the Road Ahead

Updated: Jan 16

Ayden Polanksy is an active student involved in a wide range of activities. On the athletic field, he plays football, wrestling, and track, showcasing his hard work in each sport. Besides sports, Ayden is also engaged in FFA, gaining skills in leadership and agriculture. He also gains a lot of creativity while participating in Art Club, where he explores his artistic talents. With a full schedule and diverse activities, Ayden balances his time and commitment, making a mark both in sports and extracurriculars.

Ayden’s future plans are currently undecided and is uncertain about the best fit for his future. Although he is exploring various paths he has yet to settle on a decision that best fits him.

One of Ayden’s favorite memories that he will miss is going to the wrestling meets with his team. The excitement of those trips made each meet feel special. Whether they are on the bus talking about their plans or just joking around, those moments created a strong bond. Stepping onto the mats, surrounded by the team, filled him with a sense of determination. Support from Ayden’s teammates, the rush of adrenaline, and the thrill of victory will be an unforgettable memory for Ayden.

If Ayden could go back and visit anyone he would visit Robin Williams, the legendary comedian and actor who enjoys spreading joy and laughter. Robin used his talent to brighten the lives of others whether it is through stand-up comedy performances or his unforgettable roles in movies. To Ayden, Williams wasn't just a comedian, he was a reminder of how important it is to lift others up, no matter the struggles we face ourselves. 

If Ayden could go back to his freshman year, he would lift harder. Looking back he wishes he could push himself harder, not just to build muscle, but to also develop the mindset of consistency. Ayden now knows that putting in more effort earlier would have helped him build a stronger foundation for the future in both fitness and life.

Ayden would describe his 4 years of high school as a roller coaster ride. Some days were full of excitement while some things left him feeling uncertain or overwhelmed. But throughout all the twists and turns, Ayden learned to embrace both the highs and lows. Looking back, Ayden wouldn't change a thing because it was the ride that shaped him for who he is today.


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