Christmas is a widely observed holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. We do not know when Jesus’ birth was but we celebrate it on December 25 because of Emperor Constantine.
Emperor Constantine was the emperor who established Christianity as Rome’s official religion, some believe he chose to celebrate on December 25 because it would weaken the pagan holidays already celebrated at that time of year.
Others believe it was chosen on the 25th of December because it was the Roman Empire's winter solstice. Since it was the shortest day, many pagan holidays celebrated the return of light and spring. Much of that symbolism was given to celebrating Christ being the “light of the world.”
Christmas is a time of traditions and celebrations. Some of the most well-known and loved traditions are Christmas movies, presents, setting up Christmas trees, and Christmas music.
Here are some of our school’s voted favorites: The Grinch is the school's favorite Christmas movie. Clothes are the most wanted item for Christmas. The majority believe trees should be set up after Thanksgiving, and they start listening to Christmas music after Thanksgiving. Merry Christmas!!